When trying to get pregnant, miscarriages can be a scary risk that often feels out of a prospective parent’s control. Although sometimes it can be completely random, there are three common causes that can explain why a miscarriage can happen, knowing these causes can help a parent prepare for the risks, and wrap their mind around the reasons for it happening.
#1 Egg or sperm’s chromosomes
Out of all the reasons a miscarriage can occur, the most common cause is, without a doubt, when there is an issue with an egg or a sperms chromosome structure during the formation of an embryo. Sometimes there are chromosomal abnormalities that are simply too extreme to be compatible with the creation of a healthy life.
Although there are some abnormalities that do allow for the growth of a baby, there are many that are not, and when this happens the development of an embryo simply stops taking place. If this did not happen, not only would it cause potential risks for the mother carrying the embryo, but the embryo would not be viable, and the body’s miscarriage, as a result, is a way of protecting her.
This cause of miscarriages happens more frequently in women that are above the age of 35. Women are born with all the eggs they will ever release in their lifetime, and as they age their eggs age with them, creating a higher likelihood for abnormalities or defects.
#2 Lifestyle Habits: Drugs, Alcohol, and Smoking
Sometimes a miscarriage can be caused by one’s lifestyle habits. Drug use, drinking alcohol while pregnant, and smoking, have all been linked to early miscarriages and even loss of a pregnancy in later trimesters.
Often times women do not realize they are pregnant until a few weeks after they have missed their regular period, and up until this realization, they have been going about their business as usual. Almost half of all pregnancies are not planned, which means that most women do not realize their current lifestyle choices could be affecting their growing baby.
When a woman does realize they’re pregnant after several weeks, an embryo’s spinal cord and heart have already begun to form and function. These critical fundamentals for an embryo’s growth are sensitive to the effects of drugs and alcohol, and the effects can often lead to the causes of an unviable embryo and resulting miscarriage.
If you are trying to get pregnant, it can be helpful to be very conscious of habits and choices by cutting out drinking, smoking, and drug use, as well as trying to lead a healthier life by maintaining a well-balanced diet, exercising, limiting stress, and even taking prenatal vitamins.
RHWC has fantastic coaches that can help guide you to the healthiest pre-pregnancy habits and lifestyle changes to optimize a healthy pregnancy.
#3 Diabetes
If you have diabetes, you may have a higher chance of experiencing a miscarriage. It has been shown that during the first trimester, uncontrolled insulin-dependent diabetes can be linked to both an increase in birth defects and higher rates of miscarriages in patients.
Consulting with your doctor and creating a specified course of action before becoming pregnant will help decrease your chances of having a miscarriage due to diabetes or other chronic conditions one may have.
How Reproductive Health and Wellness Center Can Help?
If you are concerned about any of these issues, there is no need to worry! Reproductive Health & Wellness Center has specialists that work with patients who have chronic medical conditions and disorders, and can get you the specialized and personalized care you need to ensure a healthy, happy pregnancy in your future.
At Reproductive Health and Wellness Center, we are experts at treating fertility issues. We provide the latest in cutting-edge embryo science by using the latest technologies, and we create innovative fertility plans tailored specifically to each individual. But we’re so much more.