Like other types of medical care, people often delay getting help for fertility problems. This may be because of religious or cultural beliefs surrounding fertility, feeling shame, or simply an unawareness of exactly when to seek help. However, when it comes to fertility, timely intervention is important.
You Want to Freeze Your Eggs or Sperm
The quality of both sperm and eggs declines with time, yet many people don’t realize that it’s best to freeze eggs and sperm when you’re younger. Women are born with all the eggs they’ll ever have, and a significant number are lost each month. A desire to preserve your fertility is one of the best reasons to seek fertility help early.
You’ve Been Trying to Conceive for a Year
Many people end up waiting longer than they should to seek fertility help. If you’ve already been trying to conceive for 12 months without success, it’s time to see a fertility specialist. Because fertility declines with age, getting help early gives you your best chance of conceiving and having a healthy baby. Both partners should see a fertility specialist together since their issues may be male or female-factor, or a combination of both.
You’re Over 35 and Have Been TTC For Six Months
Once women reach the age of 35, fertility declines rapidly. Your egg supply is diminishing, making it more difficult to get pregnant. You’re also less likely to have genetically healthy eggs after age 35. With limited fertility, it’s best to seek help if you’ve been TTC for six months. That way, a fertility specialist can intervene to give you your best chance of a successful pregnancy.
You Have Irregular Menstrual Cycles
Irregular menstrual cycles are a sign that you may not be ovulating regularly or at all. They may also be a sign that you have conditions, like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or endometriosis, that could impact your fertility. Because eggs must be fertilized within 12 to 24 hours after ovulation, irregular menstrual cycles can make it difficult or impossible to become pregnant without help. It’s important to seek fertility help early to determine the cause and get appropriate treatment.
You Have a Known Medical Condition That May Impact Fertility
If you have a known medical condition linked with infertility–like those listed below–you should seek help early. Your doctor can help you understand how your condition affects your fertility, provide treatment to improve your chances of conceiving, and speak with you about options to build your family.
- Endometriosis
- Uterine polyps
- Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
- Genetic disorders
- Hormonal imbalances
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Varicocele
- Cancer
You’ve Had Two or More Miscarriages
Although miscarriages are common, your risk of future miscarriages increases each time you miscarry. Having two or more miscarriages is one of the most important reasons to seek fertility help early. A fertility specialist can check for conditions that may be contributing to your miscarriages and offer fertility treatments to help you have a healthy pregnancy.
You Need Treatment for Cancer or Other Conditions
Treatments for conditions like autoimmune diseases and cancer can impact fertility. Your medication may harm your eggs or sperm, and your reproductive organs may need to be removed for some types of cancer. Needing treatment for cancer or other conditions is one of the most essential reasons to seek fertility help early. Your doctor can talk to you about how cancer treatment affects fertility and fertility preservation options available to you at an IVF clinic in Orange County.
You Want to Reverse a Vasectomy or Tubal Ligation
Sometimes, we make decisions and later change our minds. Indeed, many people change their minds about having children, especially after meeting a new partner. But if you want to reverse a vasectomy or tubal ligation, it’s best to do it as early as possible when less scar tissue has developed. There are also alternatives to reversing your tubal ligation or vasectomy. Your doctor can help you decide the best course of treatment.
You’re Planning a Gender Transition
If you’re planning a gender transition and would like to have biological children, it’s important to seek fertility help early. Once you begin to transition, changes in hormone levels may impact your fertility, and after surgery to remove reproductive organs, having biological children becomes impossible. If you preserve eggs, sperm, or embryos prior to transitioning, you can choose to have children in the future. Your doctor can help you understand your family building options after your gender transition.
The Takeaway
There are many reasons to seek fertility help early, from addressing medical conditions and infertility to preserving your future fertility. While the general rule is to seek help after trying to conceive for 12 months (or 6 months if you’re over age 35), there are many times when it makes sense to get help sooner.
If any of the above applies to you, or if you simply want to learn more about your fertility and available options, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Rosencrantz at Reproductive Health & Wellness Center. It’s never too early to begin planning for your reproductive future!
At Reproductive Health and Wellness Center, we are experts at treating fertility issues. We provide the latest in cutting-edge embryo science by using the latest technologies, and we create innovative fertility plans tailored specifically to each individual. But we’re so much more.