Let’s Learn More About Egg Freezing

fertility preservation q&a

If you are thinking about having a baby one day, but are not sure if or when then egg freezing may be the perfect solution for you! Egg freezing is becoming a common way to provide security when it comes to ensuring a healthy pregnancy and family in your future. 

There are many reasons why someone might decide to freeze their eggs for future use.  It can be the desire to extend your fertility a few more years while you work on your career goals, to allow your relationship time to develop or to finish your education. Hereditary risks, like early menopause, are also significant reasons to use egg freezing. Those who face gender reassignment surgery are using the process very frequently as well to ensure that they can still have biological children in their future. Furthermore, for some, egg freezing has profound impacts when facing impeded reproduction due to surgery or illness. When confronting treatments that will permanently affect fertility, being able to freeze your eggs beforehand provides an opportunity to still realize your dream of a family even after losing the ability to produce eggs.

So what does egg freezing entail exactly? The process of egg freezing is similar to a cycle of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). To create the circumstances needed to extract eggs for freezing, fertility drugs are administered that induce ovarian stimulation. This allows for the production of multiple eggs in a single cycle so they can all be retrieved at once.  Studies are showing that 75 – 85% of eggs survive being frozen and are viable to use down the road. Because of rapidly advancing technology, eggs can be preserved for years, possibly indefinitely, although more research is needed to determine the exact optimum length of time in order to preserve their integrity and viability.

If you are concerned about the effects on the body, there is little to fear. Egg retrieval is a safe, in-office procedure with minimal risks. Any side effects from the medications are usually mild and typically disappear quickly.  And you can usually resume normal physical activities about a week after your procedure.

It is a procedure that is becoming more and more popular with women, and we understand that you may have many questions about it if you are considering it as an option down the road. To help you address your questions, we are hosting a special information night and a Q&A with fertility doctor and our founder Dr. Marcus Rosencrantz on Tuesday, November 19th, from 6-7 pm! The event will be at the Reproductive Health and Wellness Center, located at 23141 Moulton Parkway, Laguna Hills, California, 92653, and we encourage you to bring any questions you might have for us! If you can not make it to the event please follow us on instagram @reproductivehealthwellness to watch us live and ask any questions. Whether you’re thinking about freezing your eggs, or are just curious about the process, we are here to help guide you in the most informative way possible! 


Reproductive Health and Wellness

At Reproductive Health and Wellness Center, we are experts at treating fertility issues. We provide the latest in cutting-edge embryo science by using the latest technologies, and we create innovative fertility plans tailored specifically to each individual. But we’re so much more.

Reproductive Health and Wellness

At Reproductive Health and Wellness Center, we are experts at treating fertility issues. We provide the latest in cutting-edge embryo science by using the latest technologies, and we create innovative fertility plans tailored specifically to each individual. But we’re so much more.

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