2025 is right around the corner, and if you’re hoping to grow your family in the new year, we’re here to help. Trying to conceive often proves to be more complicated than you think, but following these tips will help!
Get to Know Your Cycle
Knowing your menstrual cycle will help you predict ovulation, which is essential when you’re TTC. Use a calendar or app to track your cycle, with Day 1 being the first day of your period. Knowing the length of your cycle (from Day 1 of one period to Day 1 of the next), and whether your cycle varies from month to month is important information.
Ovulation typically occurs about 14 days before the start of your next period, allowing you to get an approximate estimate by counting backwards from the date of your expected next period. If your cycle is 30 days, you’re likely to ovulate on Day 16, while you’re likely to ovulate on Day 11 if your cycle averages 25 days.
Ovulation can vary, especially if you have irregular cycles or conditions like PCOS. Combining the calendar method with other ways of predicting ovulation, like measuring your basal body temperature or using ovulation tests, can help you better pinpoint ovulation.
Strive for a Healthy Weight
Being either underweight or overweight can interfere with your body’s hormonal balance. One of the best things you can do to improve your chances of getting pregnant is strive for a healthy weight.
Try to follow a fertility-friendly diet and get a moderate amount of exercise each week, though don’t overdo it. Too much exercise can disrupt your menstrual cycle (and sperm production), so don’t run a marathon or take up mountain climbing. Instead, spend two or three hours a week walking, exercising at the gym, swimming, cycling, or other physical activities.
Prioritize Wellness
Adopting physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy lifestyle is one of the best tips to conceive in 2025. In addition to diet and exercise, it’s important to get plenty of sleep each night and manage your stress levels as best you can.
Try to go to bed and get up at the same time each day, and if possible, avoid working night shifts. Make sure you have healthy ways to deal with stress, which can be anything from journaling to making a weekly date with friends to joining a support group.
Many people also find yoga or Tai Chi helpful both for managing stress and getting exercise. At RHWC, we incorporate yoga into our fertility plans and offer a program designed specifically for preparing your body for pregnancy and birth. We encourage you to give it a try!
Reduce or Eliminate Exposure to Harmful Substances
When TTC, you should eliminate as much exposure as possible to potentially harmful substances. It’s a good idea to stop using tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs now because they can impact your ability to conceive, and may cause harm to your baby if you become pregnant. Try to also drink caffeine in moderation.
Many other environmental factors may affect your ability to conceive, including:
- Pesticides
- Chemicals
- Radiation
- Certain medicines (always talk to your doctor before starting or stopping medicine)
- Heavy metals
- Pollution
Have Sex Frequently
When couples are TTC, sex can begin to feel like a chore, especially if you’ve been trying for a while and are attempting to time intercourse to the results of an ovulation test kit. Sometimes, feeling like you have to have sex at certain times makes you not want to have it at all. However, it’s important to have sex frequently when you are TTC, especially during your fertile window.
It can help to have fun together outside of your efforts to get pregnant. Try to focus on your relationship, and have sex frequently throughout your cycle so it feels less like you’re only having sex according to dates on the calendar. Sex every two or three days during your fertile window is typically enough to ensure there’s sperm available when you ovulate.
Use Fertility-Friendly Lubricant
Many people don’t realize that lubricants can affect your ability to conceive, even if you’re not using a spermicidal lubricant. Even saliva can impact sperm motility.
Several lubricant brands are designed specifically to support your fertility and not harm sperm. Pre-Seed, Conceive Plus and BabyDance are all popular brands that have been evaluated by the FDA and are labeled as fertility-friendly or sperm-friendly lubricants.
Know When to Seek Help
What happens if you’re tried all these tips to conceive in 2025, but still haven’t gotten pregnant?
If you’ve been TTC for 12 months, or six months if you’re over 35, it’s time to see a fertility specialist. It’s also important to seek fertility help early if you have irregular menstrual periods, a history of two or more miscarriages, or a medical condition that may impact your fertility.
If you need help conceiving, there’s no better place to turn than RHWC. Schedule an appointment to learn how our award-winning fertility specialist Dr. Marcus Rosencrantz can help you conceive in 2025.
At Reproductive Health and Wellness Center, we are experts at treating fertility issues. We provide the latest in cutting-edge embryo science by using the latest technologies, and we create innovative fertility plans tailored specifically to each individual. But we’re so much more.